Popular Palm Trees Found in Florida

Palm Tree Dr. provides service on all types of palms, here are some of the popular Palm Trees found throughout Florida. Be sure to bookmark this page as we will be updating it with additional information.

Areca Palm Tree

Areca Palm:
Scientific Name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens



Bismarck Palm:
Scientific Name: Bismarckia nobilis



Bottle Palm:
Scientific Name: Hyophorbe lagenicaulis


Canary Island date

Canary Island Date Palm:
Scientific Name: Phoenix Canariensis



Carpentaria Palm:
Scientific Name: Carpentaria acuminata


Coconut Palm Tree

Coconut Palm:
Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera


Kentia Palm Tree

Kentia Palm:
Scientific Name: Howea forsteriana


Lady Palm Tree

Lady Palm:
Scientific Name: Rhapis excelsa


Lipstick Palm Tree

Lipstick Palm:
Scientific Name: Cyrtostachys renda


Majesty Palm Tree

Majesty Palm:
Scientific Name: Ravenea rivularis


Mexican Fan Palm Tree

Mexican Fan Palm:
Scientific Name: Washingtonia robusta


Princess Palm

Princess Palm:
Scientific Name: Dictyosperma album


Royal Palm Tree

Royal Palm:
Scientific Name: Roystonia regia



Saw Palmetto Palm:
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens


Sylvester Date Palm

Sylvester Date Palm:
Scientific Name: Phoenix sylvestris


Teddy Bear Palm

 Teddy Bear Palm:
Scientific Name: Dypsis Leptochelios


Windmill Palm Tree

Windmill Palm:
Scientific Name: Trachycarpus fortune